Easy Rustic Birch Twig Spring Wreath for Your Door

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All the supplies you need for making a birch twig spring wreath for your front door.

There’s something magical about the first signs of spring—buds on the trees, longer days, and the urge to get outside and refresh our homes. This easy DIY project brings a bit of spring to your home. It’s made with simple, organic materials.

While out for a walk after a few days of strong winds, I couldn’t help but pick up a ton of birch twigs. There’s a large birch tree in our neighborhood on the path to the beach—a walk after the heavy winds led to armloads of freshly fallen twigs from the ground.

Easy Birch Twig Spring Wreath hung on door with frayed canvas

Sure, I could buy them, but knowing this tree exists just around the corner makes it too tempting not to forage! No one minds. It’s not like I’m cutting limbs. I am simply picking them up off the ground.

The Supplies You’ll Need:

What to forage and what to buy:

  1. Birch twigs can be found, or store-bought is excellent too.
  2. Moss – I live in Connecticut, where moss grows everywhere, but store-bought moss works beautifully!
  3. Small bulb plants are easy to find at the grocery store, Trader Joe’s, or the nursery. You only need a couple. You may even have them popping up in your yard.
  4. Quail eggs (available here, or in this kit).

Here’s how you make an easy birch twig spring wreath

YouTube video

First, prepare your birch twigs

  1. Prepare your birch twigs by submerging them in water for at least an hour to soften them so they don’t break when forming them into a circle.
  2. Use a round cake pan to help form your wreath into a circle.
  3. Take the branches and form them into the edge of the pan, adding more inside the pan until it’s as complete as you want.
  4. Secure the wreath with florist wire in a couple of spots to keep the shape intact
  5. Add a sheet of moss at the bottom and secure it again using the florist wire.
  6. Nestle in a few quail eggs and bulbs (Use a little hot glue if necessary).
  7. Add a piece of twine, rope, ribbon, or frayed canvas and hang it on your front door or side door. For indoor use, you could also use it as a table centerpiece, placing candles, fresh flowers, or other spring decorations in the center of the wreath.

After you see how easy it is to make this wreath, you’ll never want to buy another artificial wreath again.

Hang outdoors in the early spring

An easy birch twig spring wreath is hanging on the side door using frayed canvas ribbon.

Make mini birch branch wreaths for jars

I made mini birch branch wreaths to top clear glass jars with a few hellebores from my spring pots. They add just the color we needed in this corner.

You might also like these posts on Easter & spring!

Easy Birch Twig Spring Wreath.

Bloggers’ Best Spring Wreaths

  1. Modern Spring Wreath | My Sweet Savannah
  2. How To Make A Hydrangea Wreath | Modern Glam
  3. Moss Wreath DIY | Eleanor Rose Home
  4. The Fifteen Minute Spring Wreath DIY | My 100 Year Old Home
  5. Our New Home’s Easy Care Front Porch Decor | Classic Casual Home
  6. Spring Mushroom and Moss Wreath | Tatertots and Jello
  7. How to Make a Birds Nest From a Wreath | Craftberry Bush
  8. Book Page Wreath DIY | Happy Happy Nester
  9. Easy Birch Twig Spring Wreath | Most Lovely Things

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  1. Annie, Your gathered twig wreath with moss and bulbs is absolutely charming. In addition, it fits anyone’s budget making it an accessible project.

    I also love the bunny bags and will have fun making them to take to young ones at an Easter brunch to which we’re invited.

    Happy Spring,
    Diney on Mercer Island

    1. Hi Diney!
      You know I love a project that’s practically free…and this one and the bunny bags fit the bill! Have fun making those sweet little bags for the little ones!
      Thanks for stopping by today!

  2. HOW darling. It looks like something that would be very expensive at
    Terrain or a high-end florist.

  3. Oh my gosh I absolutely LOVE that charming wreath. I need something on my door right this very minute. I love all of the beautiful elements you used!!

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