Let’s make terrariums for Mother’s Day!

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Terrariums are easy to make!

glass jar terrariums

Making terrariums is an easy project that you can do with your kids on Mother’s day.  You need just a few things that you can buy at a garden shop.  But first you need to start with a glass container.  We used the Flared Glass Vase from Terrain.  Another option from Terrain is the Open Terrarium with Stand or you may have something on hand like the Anchor Hocking Heritage Hill Jar which is perfect.

What you’ll need:

  • A clear glass container or jar
  • A bag of small gravel or stones (You can go with earthy colors or for a bright colored option, pet supply stores have everything from white, black, natural or pink)
  • A small amount of potting soil.
  • horticultural charcoal
  • larger stones and rocks  (We used to use small rocks and stones that we picked up on beach walks).
  • moss  (We can find this in our yard and stone walls, but you can also purchase it at  craft or garden shop.
  • driftwood or petrified wood
  • Figurines and tiny battery operated lights (if you choose to use them).
  • Tiny plants like succulents or ferns. Select plants that like high humidity and low light.
  • A plant mister or a spray bottle works too.

small rocks, succulents, glass jar

How to make your terrarium:

  • Begin with a layer of small stones or gravel.  This layer is for drainage.
  • Add a scoop of horticultural charcoal to prevent it from smelling like a swamp!  Mix it together with the small stones.
  • Next, take your tiny succulents or plants and push a small hole the size of the root into the gravel and add a spoonful of soil and then the plant, pressing around the plant to make sure it’s firmly in place. You can use a cork to just tap around the plant if your vessel has a wide enough opening.
  • Once you’ve added your plants, you can add the larger rocks, moss, driftwood and figurines.  These little cement mushrooms would look beautiful in a terrarium with ferns.
  • Water it gently once your terrarium is finished and then give it a mist once a day.

bag of moss, stones, plants

Stones and a bag of mixed kinds of moss plus tiny succulents…

terrarium, stones, plants


This Terrarium Essentials Kit has everything you need except the glass container, plants and figurines.  We used to love making these and mother’s day always seems like the right time of year because of the fresh green moss we could find by our stream and even tiny ferns that sprouted up in the springtime.  With supplies easily available online or at the garden shop, you can make these anytime of year.

Follow me on Pinterest for more DIY, Crafts & Cool Supplies for more Projects like this.

You may like this post:  Making Terrariums with Brooke and her girls.

two girls, black garage, table, plants

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