Tips on How to Care for Care for Cut Hydrangeas

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Here are a few tips on how to care for your cut hydrangeas so they will last longer. This is my number one Sunday favorite with Mary Ann and Cindy today.

It is a banner year for hydrangeas here in the northeast, so I thought this was when I needed to dig in and find the best way to keep my fresh-cut hydrangeas from wilting. Even if you buy hydrangea bouquets from the grocery store, it’s nice to know they can be revived when they wilt! (and they probably will wilt, or at least a few will wilt).

Blue hydrangeas sitting on a vintage farm table.

Hydrangeas, with their big flower heads in shades of blue, purple, and pink, are the quintessential summer flower. Hydrangea blooms make the perfect cut flower, as your hydrangea shrub or hydrangea bushes may be so full that a few cut flowers won’t be missed.

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​Cut hydrangeas in the early morning or late evening.

Hydrangeas are well hydrated in the cool early morning, making this the optimal time to cut hydrangea stems. Sometimes, if I know I will cut hydrangeas in the morning, I’ll give the roots a good soak the day before; even at the end of a hot late summer day, they can look so wilted in the garden. After an hour of giving them a good soak using a bubbler, they perk up, and I know in the cool early morning, when it’s the best time to cut them, they will look beautiful! 

If you can’t wait until morning, cut them after the sun has gone down and they’ve had a chance to recover from the midday sun.

Put your cut hydrangea flowers in water right away!

Bring a bucket or large container of cool water with you while you cut. Once you’ve cut a bloom, immediately put it in the water to prevent air from getting into the stem, which can block water from working its way up the stem. Make sure the water is cool but not cold. Cool or room temperature water helps the plant absorb the water more efficiently. 

Strip the leaves

​The first step is to strip any leaves below the water line. Any leaf that falls below the waterline causes bacteria. Plus, leaves make the water look murky. I often use glass jars like these for hydrangeas, and I love to see the clean green and sometimes woody stems through the clear glass. 

Two popular hydrangea care tips for stems

There is a lot of information on this, and I have tried all the methods, or at least a lot of methods, for cutting hydrangea stems for arrangements. I won’t say it’s controversial because what works for one person and their hydrangeas may not work for another. And this could change yearly, just as the colors of hydrangeas change due to the soil.

1. Dip hydrangea stems in alum powder

Alum and clippers for cutting and taking care of hydrangeas.

This is one method that I started using this year with good results. Martha Stewart has talked about this on Instagram. I never tried it before because I could never find alum powder in the grocery store. I look every year in the spice section of every grocery store, and I never see it. So, this year, I ordered it on Amazon. McCormick makes it, so I don’t know why it’s so hard to find on the shelves. 

After trimming your hydrangea stems at a 45-degree angle using a clean and sharp pair of garden snips or pruners, dip the bottom of the stem into alum (aluminum sulfate), then place it in the vase of water. The alum acts as a preservative and enhances the stem’s ability to absorb water. This extends the bloom and prevents it from wilting. It’s a helpful tip that takes only an extra few seconds.

2. Use the boiling water method

Sap in hydrangea stems can cause them to clog, preventing them from drawing water, which causes some stems to wilt. Boiling water can help. Cut each stem at a 45-degree angle and dip each fresh-cut stem into a cup of boiling water for 30 seconds. Then, transfer the stems to a container of lukewarm water. 

Favorite vases for fresh-cut hydrangeas

Hydrangeas in the summer are a favorite perennial flower, and as with all flowers, I don’t think the vase matters; I use Anchor Hocking glass jars in 1/2-gallon and one-gallon sizes all over my house. I also use cups, bottles, and pitchers. 

Last week, I used a Kenzan (flower frog) to make a beautiful arrangement in this Cayman Seagrass bowl from Serena & Lily. I like to use different things around the house to seasonally display the same type of flower. I love having the same kind of flower, even though the color might vary slightly with hydrangea shrubs. Some are pink and purple, but mostly blue this year.

Purple hydrangeas on an outdoor table.

Keep the blooms out of the sunlight.

Try to keep your hydrangeas or any fresh flowers out of direct sunlight. Move them to a cooler spot during the sunny afternoon, and your vibrant flowers will last much longer.

Change the water.

I change the water every day or every other day, especially in the glass jars. I love the look of clean water. I give each stem a fresh cut and dip it into the bowl of alum powder that I keep handy, then put it back into the jar with fresh water.

Now, a few more Sunday Favorites:

Outfit of the Week

A graphic showing a woman's outfit: white skirt, black top, denim tote page, and black sandals.

I love this white skirt from Eileen Fisher. In this post, I shared seven ways to wear it, and now I’ve found another way with a poplin top from Quince. Poplin is so great in the summer. It’s light and breathable like linen, but it has that crisp look I sometimes crave as summer wears on.

The top comes in three colors: black, navy, and white. It looks good with everything from jeans to skirts. Did you know Quince has jewelry, too? I love this paperclip chain bracelet, also available as a necklace.

The denim slides and tote are from GAP and are on sale.

Serena & Lily SALE

The Cayman Seagrass collection from Serena & Lily is on sale. It includes glassware, vases, bowls, and a pitcher, which are great for mixing with other dishes and serving pieces.

Let’s check in with Mary Ann and Cindy to see what they found this week.

Classic Casual Home

Cindy Hattersley Design

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Blue and purple hydrangeas in a vase on a vintage farm table.

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  1. Thanks for all the great hydrangea advice, Annie. We have some bushes in the yard and I just added alum to my cart.

  2. Hi Annie,
    The secret to long lasting cut hydrangeas is to remove ALL the leaves, not just the ones below the water level. You want the vase water to be absorbed by the blooms not the leaves. My hydrangeas usually last about two weeks with this method. Be sure to cut the stems at a 45 degree angle to absorb the most water and top off with fresh water daily. They drink a lot! I learned these tips from a florist in Little Rock, AR and they really work. Enjoy your beautiful hydrangeas.

  3. Alum, aluminum sulfate, is the fertilizer you put on the hydrangeas to keep the soil acid and the flowers blue. You can just dip the cut ends in the fertilizer instead of buying another product.

  4. Annie I have never tried the alum method! I am going to give it a try. Great tips, and I love that Quince shirt! What a find!

  5. Hi Annie,

    I love your idea of one type of flower displayed throughout the house. And, thank you for the alum tip. My next stop is Amazon.

    Hugs from Mercer Island,

  6. I have never heard of the alum trick. That sounds like a winner!
    Loved the white skirt. Thanks for sharing!

  7. Love all the great info about the hydrangeas, and wanted to make a copy of that post, but the copy was full of coding. Is there any way that you could make copying your posts available?

    Thank you,
    Penny L

    1. Hi Penny! I will have to look into that! I’m so sorry about the ads! I was able to remove ads when you go to print a recipe, but not sure about the post. Love your email address btw!! xo

  8. I needed these tips, Annie.. Our hydrangeas are just starting to bloom, although the past week’s heatwave hasn’t done them any favors. I love cutting the stems but struggle to keep them looking good for long. I just ordered the Alum powder, thanks for the link … and will try the boiling water method too. xo

  9. Thanks for the hydrangea tips — my pruners are never that shiny lol.
    You’re right about the hydrangeas this year. I’m in coastal RI and last year’s flowers were pretty pathetic. This year we have the most glorious bushes in several colors. Blooms are huge and plentiful. It must be all that rain we had in early May. The salt air also brings out the paler blue like nothing else can.

    1. Hi Maeve! This year has been amazing for hydrangeas! I’ll bet yours are beautiful in coastal Rhode Island!
      p.s. my pruners are new…a gift I was trying out that I’ll be giving to my daughter! My Felco pruners are at least 25 yearsw old! BUt they work just as well! xo

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