Create a Hygge Home for winter


Tips on how to make your home a place you’ll love to be all winter

How many candles is too many?

Candles and Edison bulbs

After the holidays it’s easy to go through a little drought of inspiration for decor.  I think we’ve all just decorated and undecorated and we’re done.  But here’s the thing, wintertime (after the holidays) is probably when we spend the most time indoors, at home.  So I have a few ideas to make your home a place you can’t wait to go home to every night.  Little changes that make a big difference.  The most important thing about making a cozy home is light.  It’s the first chapter in The Little Book of Hygge and to me, that makes perfect sense.  The first thing I do when I wake up is light a scented candle in the kitchen.  When it begins to get dark, I light several unscented candles.  And by several I mean at least 10, but lighting is more than candlelight.  The largest watt lightbulb in our house is maybe 40 watts and I can assure you it’s on a dimmer.  I prefer Edison bulbs for softer, warmer light.  I never use overhead light; I prefer a triangle of light from lamps in the room.A wood board on a white Saarinen table makes it cozy for winter

Plants, branches & fresh flowers

I add some plants and branches and a few fresh flowers.  I tend to go with more branches because they last for weeks and are generally pretty cheap.  (Not the quince branches, those are more expensive, but the minute those are in the shop, I have to have a bundle).Fresh flowers, a candle and sheepskins on Riviera Chairs for a winter look in the kitchen

small bowls of shallots, garlic, tomatoes beside the stove

A few bowls beside the stove with things we use during the week for preparing meals make the kitchen look more lived in and real. Still loving the wood board from Terrain on the white Saarinen table.

details around the house to make it cozy

A bowl of honeycrisp apples, beach stones and drift wood from recent trip to Montauk are all things we love.  A basket holds throws and under the throws are chargers (hidden).

Candles and branches for cozy dining room in winter

As soon as the late afternoon winter light begins to fade, I start lighting candles.  I have them on old silver trays, new galvanized metal trays like I used here, saucers from plant pots and mismatched china plates from our favorite flea markets.

Add sheepskins for an extra layer of cozy

This year I added a sheepskin on each of my dining room chairs.  I’ve always thought about doing this in the winter and then when I saw them in the bar area at Gray Barns, I had to copy! It does make it look and feel pretty cozy. Six for less than $200 at Ikea. And of course while I was at Ikea I stocked up on candles.  dining room details to make a Hygge dining room

Pussywillows for a little winter touch in front room

Even after 30 years of marriage I strive to make sure our home is cozy, uncluttered and peaceful by evening.  As a blogger I’m constantly making a mess in every room of the house, but my nightfall it’s back to cozy in no time.

Candles, dim lights, a fire, a beautiful throw, a warm cozy drink after dinner are all just a few of the Danish secrets to happy living.

How to get that Hygge feeling in your home this winter

Edison Bulbs | |  Scented Candle || Faux Sheepskin Pillows || Throw 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 6 || basket 1|| 2 || 3 ||

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    1. The photo of the fireplace with many lighted candles on the mantle and fluffy pillows on the hearth may look cozy and inviting to you, but it looks more like a fire hazard to me!!!

  1. What a great post ! I love your home – it is really everything I strive for in my own home – very peaceful, calm, uncluttered, and very up to date and stylish. I really admire your black interior doors and window frame. I enjoy all your posts – thanks so much for a great blog !

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