Halloween Favorites + A Simple Halloween Craft


Happy Halloween! 

There’s just a little bit of time left before Halloween night.  I’m filling treat bags with mini candy bars, scary spider rings and making Brown Butter Pumpkin Madeleines.  And there’s just enough time to make a candy corn door stop!  If you need that sort of thing on a windy Halloween night!

Make a Halloween doorstop for a easy Halloween Craft

A Halloween Craft – Candy Corn Doorstop

To make a candy corn door stop I found a rock (I live in Connecticut, so that means I opened my back door and picked up  a rock) and spray painted it white as a base coat then used craft paint for the orange and yellow paint like a piece of candy corn.  I found a rectangular shaped rock and painted it to use as a napkin “weight.”Use a Sharpie to write Trick~or~Treat on your glass door


A dip-dyed stool with an Anchor Hocking Heritage Hill Jar filled with treat bags. I use a wide-tip Sharpie water-based paint pen to write messages on our door.  It wipes clean with window spray and since it usually takes me at least two tries, I have the cleanest window in town!Find a triangle shaped rock and paint like candy corn for weight to use on a stack of napkins.

Pumpkin Madeleines and Anchor-Hocking glass pumpkins

Brown Butter Pumpkin Madeleines

We are expecting 55 degrees and sunshine today.  Perfect trick~or~treating weather.  Hope it’s warm and dry where you are! Have a safe night!

xo annie


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