A Simple DIY Wax Paper Leaf Cover for your diffuser


Remember when you were a kid and you made wax paper leaf projects for every window in the house? I couldn’t wait for the leaves to change color. I would eagerly search for the most beautiful leaves and then go through an entire box of wax paper in an afternoon. I would tape them to the windows and then admire the light illuminating the leaves through the wax paper. Well fast forward, many, many years, and today I collected a handful of leaves on a walk in the rain so that I could make a wax paper leaf cover for my Desert Mist Diffuser. This could also work for candles in glass jars. My original idea came from using flameless candles inside glass hurricanes covered with wax paper leaves. But then I realized I could make one for my diffuser with the candle flicker setting! 

A Wax Paper Leaf Project Covering a Desert Mist Diffuser on the Candle Setting

wax paper with leaves over cylinder on wood trivet with plants in background

Here’s how we did it: Collected Leaves

fall leaves and Adidas

This is fall in Connecticut

Leaves on wax paper

2. Here’s What you need for the project

collage with step-by-step

  1. You need an empty 101.4 fluid ounce bottle of Poland Spring Water or similar.
  2. Carefully cut the bottom out of the bottle and remove the label.
  3. On a flat surface covered with 2 layers of thick towels, lay out a piece of wax paper the length that you’ll need for the circumference of the bottle. Cut another piece the same size. Arrange the leaves on the bottom sheet of wax paper and gently cover the leaves with the second sheet of wax paper, trying to uncurl leaves as you lay it down on top.
  4. Lay a thin dishtowel on top and run a hot iron over the wax paper. You’ll need to go over it several times. It will sound like crunching leaves. (This part I remember). Note: Be sure to emtpy the iron of water because you don’t want steam.

Cover the Bottle with the wax paper

wax paper with leaves over cylinder water bottle

Position the wax paper over the bottle, trimming the edges slightly if necessary. Tape the edges with clear tape. Fill the Desert Mist diffuser. You won’t use the decorative cover. Then place the “leaf cover” over the diffuser. The diffuser will release the mist through the opening once the cap has been removed. It’s the perfect size! No extra modifcation is needed.

wax paper with leaves over cylinder on wood trivet with plants in background

And one for the laundry room door!

wax paper leaves on glass door

Currently diffusing Christmas Spirit, Orange and Clove! Read more about diffusing in this post! 

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