How lucky to have our first snow of the season on a Saturday! As we sipped coffee by the fire I just could not help but think that we need to be in the city for the first snow. A couple of hours and a rather quick drive into the city later and we were walking through Central Park. A December snow that just felt and looked magical. 12 Days of Holiday Homes Tour The 12 Days of ...
An update on our painted stone fireplace
As many of you know, when we purchased our current home I thought for sure we would demo the fireplace before even moving in. After much consideration (which actually means one 10 minute meeting with a contractor who was throwing out big numbers and realizing we would still have a raised hearth) I said to my husband, "What if we just painted it white?" Well, of course that's exactly ...
How to make these adorable birch branch mini tree holders
How to make these adorable birch branch mini tree holders - I'm still loving birch branches for winter DIY projects. I'm sure I'll come up with a few original projects, but this is one I'm still using for a casual, rustic dinner party. But this time I clipped small branches from all over the yard. Instead of using the same type of evergreen clipping, I have an assortment ...
DIY House Christmas Ornaments/tags + 12 Days of Holiday Homes
12 Days of Holiday Homes Today is the beginning of the 12 Days of Holiday Homes hosted by Amy & Christy of 11 Magnolia Lane and Jenny of Evolution of Style. Twenty-four bloggers are sharing their homes over the next 12 days. I'm at the end of the tour, but wanted to give a shout out to the girls that put it all together and to Lynch Creek Farm for sponsoring again this year! Todays tour ...
The one piece of clothing you need this winter: A Bouclé Coat
I live where it's cold and so a new winter coat purchase can be easily justified. I'm sort of kidding, but when I slipped on the Daphne Bouclé coat at J.Crew, I knew it was going home with me. It's the sort of coat that's perfect to throw on over everything. I wore it over workout clothes for a walk on the beach and I plan to wear it to every holiday party. Most of the coats I've tried on were ...
8 unique ways to display your Christmas tree
Whenever I see a magazine spread with a beautiful home at Christmastime the one thing I take away every time is the way they display their trees. Not just in magazines, it's all over Pinterest too. I love trees in buckets, baskets, barrels, crocks – so basically anything but the traditional tree in a stand on the floor covered with a tree skirt. Don't get me wrong, I love the ...